Publication information
Traditionally the augmented versions of conference selected papers appear within 1-2 years after the conference dates in well-known International Journals and/or post-conference books. The last one is published in Springer series ‘Advances in Soft Computing’.
Since 2004 many Springer books have been published with IS best paper post-conference results, among them:
- Intelligent Systems: Theory, Research and Innovation in Applications” (R. Goncalves, V. Sgurev, V. Jotsov, J. Kacprzyk, Eds.), Springer, 2019 (in print).Special issue of International Journal of Computing, 2019 (in print)
- Practical Issues of Intelligent Innovations. V. Sgurev, V. Jotsov, J. Kacprzyk (Eds.), Springer, NY Berlin Heidelberg, Springer Series Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, ISSN 2198-4182, ISBN 978-3-319-78436-6, 2018. Learning Systems: From Theory to Practice. V.Sgurev, V. Piuri, V. Jotsov (Eds.), Springer, Series Studies in Computational Intelligence, NY Berlin Heidelberg, DOI 0.1007/978-3-319-75181-8, vol. 756, 2018. Recent Contributions on Intelligent Systems, V. Sgurev, R. Yager, J. Kacprzyk, K. Atanassov (Eds.), Series Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 657, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2016 (ISSN 1860-9503) Innovative Issues in Intelligent Systems. V. Sgurev, R. Yager, J. Kacprzyk, Jotsov (Eds.) Springer, Berlin Heiderberg, 2015.
- Novel Applications of Intelligent Systems. M. Hadjiski, N. Kasabov, D. Filev, V. Jotsov (Eds.) Springer, Berlin Heiderberg, 2015.In 2014 two Springer books are issued and one Journal: International Journal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS, Wiley Press)
- In 2013 the IEEE IS’2012 post-conference papers had been published in Special Issue on: “Contemporary Multiagent and Other Intelligent Applications”//International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, Inderscience Publishers, 2013, vol. 2, No. 3,and so on