Category Archives: news

New program and sources

New detailed program and sources are published. For more details, please visit Conference Programme page.

Program Schedule

Program Schedule with Introduced Internal Paper Acceptance Numbers has been published. For more details, please visit Conference Programme page.

Instructions for video presentations at IEEE IS’20

Dear Authors, Please send us the video presentation files in MP4 format and in duration no more than written in the message instructions to you. Thank you!

The conference goes virtual

More details on Conference Venue page.

Latex Template has been Updated

Please use the newest Latex Template. For more details, please visit Paper Submission page, section Instructions for preparing PDF from TEX format

Conference postponed

The conference will be held on August 28-30, 2020

Remote presentations possible!

Remote Conference Presentations will be also possible to authors not attending the conference because of travel restrictions, visa, and other objective problems. Hangout and Skype are considered as possible and reserve options.

EDAS problems?

Dear authors: we received many inquiries that different problems occur when using the EDAS system.We don’t know why is this problem: a difficult author registration procedure or something else.Anyway, this problem is already resolved. Please send the PDF file directly … Continue reading

Accommodation and other important information to guests

Important: the early registration date will be corrected to February 25, 2020 due to a processing of large amounts of potential late papers.The registration payments before February 17 will be available only in the form of bank transfers. Please ask v.jotsov … Continue reading

Paper submission update

Please for paper submission use only the DOC/TEX templates uploaded to 17.01.2020. The old template was purpose only for MS Word up to 2007 versions.